Multimedia Studio

The Multimedia Studio is located in Mervis 335, connected to the Katz IT Office.

The studio allows a number of configurations for creating video content:

  1. Lightboard
  2. Interview (Two chairs)
  3. Podium or non-podium presentation (Podium has a Wacom tablet, similiar to our classrooms)
  4. Video Conferencing/ Syncrononous sessions

All equipment is on wheels and movable within the studio.

Additionally, there is space and software for editing video and creating podcasts.

Scheduling time in the Studio

Faculty/Staff can add the shared calendar “KATZ – 335 Mervis – Multimedia Studio” to their Outlook to schedule the room.

You can also schedule the room by contacting the Katz IT Department.  Requests should include which configuration is required for the reservation.

Room Configuration Layouts




“Talking Head”